Saturday, September 14, 2019

What's better than some pictures of clouds?

For this weeks blog post I decided to look into some of the photos that I have taken. I noticed that most of my nature specific photos are keyed towards how the clouds look. So here are just a handful of what I've found...

Early Morning in the Fields - Growing up on a farm and ranch requires many early mornings so getting to the field before the sun was up resulted in many beautiful mornings. This is one of my favorite photos with how the clouds pick up the glow from the sun rise. 

Tracy Arm Fjord - Here is an image I took on a cruise around Alaska. I loved how the clouds reflected off the water as well as all the various blues throughout the image. 
Morning Hunt - This is a picture I took not caring anything else about the image except how the sunrise and the clouds looked together.
Lake Life - I loved how other than the small ripples in the water this late evening shot was the most calm the lake had been all day after being full of ski boats and fishermen. At the lake the mornings and evenings are the relevant to the calm before and after the storm. 

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