Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Approach To Better Landscape Photos

Online Outdoor Magazine Article

Above is the link for the article that is discussed in this post!

Taking pictures has always been something I enjoy to do although usually just on my IPhone, I'm always the one snapping pictures. I love taking picture but I really have never considered how to take pictures I just point and click. So as I read the article "The Approach To Better Landscape Photos" just in the introduction my mind was already questioning things when they were describing a very detailed landscape with mountains and rivers and such followed by the question, "Where do you point your camera?" My goal has always been to just try and get as much of a landscape, or mountains as I can in the picture so one can see everything, I have never considered that pointing the camera in a certain way may make my image more desirable.

I enjoyed reading Marc Muench's take on both the Previsualized Approach and the Discovery Approach. There are times when you are in a familiar place and you are already thinking of what and how the photo will look like before you even arrive, while the discovery approach is when the land in the moment is solely what determines the picture. I think this is great thought for me because in many of my images I am trying to recreate something that I have already seen and am usually disappointed because it did not turn out how it was "supposed" to look. When I should not be worried about how I think it should look instead I should be focusing on how in this moment the land, the light, and I see the photo working the best in that moment.

Andy Williams brings up a good point  when discussing the two different approaches, he says there is only one approach "and it is an amalgam of everything I know and everything I think I know about a place before I arrive, and everything I see and take in when I’m there." I really liked this take because it is taking what you know of a place, familiarity, and combing it with the present feeling and idea of a place and bringing them together. The total understanding on a landscape used to create a beautiful image.

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